Category Archives: Glacial Period

Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga Audiobooks!

(Please pardon this shameless plug for my audiobooks!)

🩣  Embark on an epic journey into the Ice Age!Â đŸ”„

 The Dreamer – THE BEGINNING, the first novel in the 8-volume Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga, is now available in audiobook format on Patreon and Spotify!

✹ Immerse yourself in this gripping prehistoric adventure with new chapters released every Saturday at 7 AM (ET)—then dive deeper into the story with my Author Musings every Tuesday at 7 AM (ET), where I unravel hidden themes, character insights, and behind-the-scenes historical and scientific details.

When complete, The Dreamer – THE BEGINNING will total of 7.5 hours of immersive storytelling—this is your chance to step into a world of survival, destiny, and dreams.Â đŸ”„đŸș

The second book in the series, The Dreamer II – THE GATHERING, will start soon! Eventually, chapter by chapter, all eight books will be recorded and posted to these online platforms!

🎧 Start listening today!
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(Background for header image credit: ChatGPT/DALL.E)

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Little Store in the Heart of Town

Although I write about life as it was during the last Ice Age—a time when people had to procure all of life’s necessities from Nature, my childhood in small town New England was far easier. We didn’t have fancy stores, or even a “real” grocery store, but we did have Donald Doane’s. 

Donald Doane’s was located in the heart of town. This store (shown in photos) is now called The Brewster Store, but back then it was Donald Doane’s, named for its proprietor. The shop carried all life’s essentials, along with a few delightful nonessentials, such as rubber-band-powered balsa wood airplane kits for just ten cents, jars filled with penny candy, and a selection of comic books.

While we occasionally stopped in for grocery items, every Sunday, Dad would fire up his truck—a 1954 International—and take one or more of us kids to Donald Doane’s to pick up the Sunday paper and a dozen donuts. This was one of my favorite weekly rituals.

The store had a warm and inviting atmosphere; a central wood stove served as a gathering spot for locals to enjoy a hot beverage and share stories. The wonderful aroma of freshly ground coffee and roasting peanuts often filled the air.

Mr. Doane, though somewhat taciturn and stern in appearance, had a softer side. If business was slow, he would invite us upstairs to marvel at his collection of antique toys, offering a fascinating glimpse into playthings from a century ago. It was nice to see this gentler aspect of a man who once replied to a tourist asking why he didn’t carry the New York Times with, “Because I don’t give a damn about what happens in New York!”

Mr. Doane is long gone now, but his store remains at the center of town. It likely carries the New York Times these days, but it still exudes a charm and sense of nostalgia that are hard to find elsewhere.

(Photo credits: E. A. Meigs. Brewster Store images posted with permission from the Brewster Store.)


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The Dreamer II – The Gathering; the saga continues

Excerpt from The Dreamer II ~ The Gathering

Title character Tris, with his father, Puh, and longtime friend, Black Wolf have arrived at the People from the East’s annual Gathering.  Here, many traders have taken advantage of the event to hawk their wares. Black Wolf, as one of the People from the East, has brought his Neanderthal neighbors to this Gathering; it is a novel experience for the newcomers, who have lived in relative isolation. However, even Black Wolf is startled to see the offerings of one particular trader. 

Black Wolf lifted one and held it out for our inspection. 

"She has no feet," he pointed out. "She must have lost them in a sad misadventure like Fast Otter when he was attacked by a lion while sleeping in his lean-to. The lion managed to mangle Fast Otter's feet before his companions could save him."

The sculpted piece of sandstone was obviously meant to portrait a woman - a naked woman - but she was like no female I had ever seen. She was well endowed, both front and back, and decorated with many carved lines and zig-zags. And she was enormously fat, like a bear that had been feasting on salmon in preparation for winter's hibernation. The only woman I had ever known to carry any extra weight was Black Wolf's Little Fawn, but even she was positively svelte in comparison to this figure.

Puh responded incredulously to Black Wolf's remarks. 

"You look at that physique and all you notice is that she has no feet?"

Click link to read more about about The Dreamer II – The Gathering.

(Venus Figurine in header image was created by Neanderthal Joe.)

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The Dreamer ~ THE BEGINNING: the start of an epic adventure!

Photo credit: E. A. Meigs

Excerpt from The Dreamer ~ THE BEGINNING, the first volume in the prehistoric adventure series: Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga.

     The moon had risen again, still round and bright, providing just the right ambiance for the wolves to sing by. Their distant howls rent the air and made the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand up. The wind had come around to blow out of the south, bringing with it a warm moist air, but it was from the wrong direction to provide any telltale odors that would give any indication that we were drawing nearer to our quarry. The gusting breezes shook the tree branches making it more difficult to distinguish sounds from one another. Still, there was nothing to do except to put one foot in front of the other and hope that we would not go from being the hunters to the hunted.
     We were grateful for the night’s deep shadows. Since we suspected we were quite close to Snow Leopard and his group, we evaded the moonlight, slipping from one puddle of darkness to the next. As we came to an open spot in the path, we paused for a drink of water and to rest for a moment. We had not spoken or eaten in some time. Puh broke out his nearly empty food bag and gave Black Wolf and me a little dried meat and a few shelled nuts that he found rolling around at the bottom of the sack. As I ate, I rubbed at my burning eyes; they ached from staring so hard at the darkness and from being awake for so long, but the salt from the sweat on my hands made my eyes burn even more.
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Excerpt from The Dreamer III – The People of the Wolves

Illustration from The Dreamer III ~ The People of the Wolves (2018) Image credit: E. A. Meigs

Excerpt from The Dreamer III ~ The People of the Wolves by E. A. Meigs

…I could clearly view the huge animal from my vantage point by a large tree. It was snuffling and snorting as it noisily grazed, its tail in constant motion, swishing back and forth in a fruitless attempt to keep the ever-present flies from alighting on its rump. Given that the audible signs of the rhino’s digestion process were clearly heard by all, I did not envy the flies their proximity to the creature’s hind end. Black Wolf seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

“Listen to that!” he quietly exclaimed at yet another burst of flatulence. “I will not be standing at the rear of our intended victim during this hunt! That rhino sounds as though he will be ready to let loose his bowels at any moment!”

We could not restrain small grins at the memory of last winter’s woolly mammoth kill, when poor Black Wolf had been knocked off his feet by a heavy blast of mammoth excrement. Just then, the rhino turned its head and faced in our direction, its enormous forehorn much in evidence.

“By all means, Black Wolf,” Bror whispered, “you are most welcome to the front if you so choose.”

Find Dreamer Books reader reviews here!




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The Story of Us: Interview with E. A. Meigs, Part 2

Interview with Seth Chagi (World of Paleoanthropology): Additional Commentary

My early childhood home was a traditional New England-style house, said to have been floated across Cape Cod Bay on barrels in 1750. It’s mind-boggling to imagine how challenging it must have been to keep a large, non-aerodynamic, and non-hydrodynamic two-story house on course as it made its way from Boston to Brewster. I’m sure the house was towed by a ship, but that’s still a lot of open water! If the wind picked up, they might have ended up in an entirely different town than where they had planned to reside.

Once they reached the shore, they likely used teams of horses and large wooden rollers to move the house to its final location, where it still stands today. Over the centuries, the house was expanded, and the property turned into a working farm. If only buildings could talk—the stories that house could tell! By the time my family lived there, it was no longer a farm, just an old, rambling home on a narrow country road. At various times, my grandparents, aunts, and uncles lived with us, making it a bright and lively place where we created many happy memories.

Back then, television reception on Cape Cod was practically non-existent, so we entertained ourselves the old-fashioned way—reading, doing crafts, playing music, and the like. I imagine my parents were relieved that none of us had access to bagpipes! Endless piano renditions of “I Love Coffee, I Love Tea” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the violin were bad enough. (My sister eventually became a skilled violinist, even earning the position of second violinist with the Cape Cod Symphony.)

Some of my earliest memories are of walking through the woods with my father. He was an avid outdoorsman, and people often said that if they ever found themselves stranded on a deserted island, they’d choose him to be there with them. Walking through nature with Dad was never rushed. We’d stop and look at things, and he would explain what they were and what they could be used for. He taught me to observe, to listen, and to watch the sky and the animals around me. I also learned to see the outdoors as nature’s grocery store—if you knew where to look, you wouldn’t go hungry. These days, I find myself passing on these same lessons to my grandchildren.

Photo credit E. A. Meigs

I was an unusual child. Though I had friends, I often spent time alone, wandering the woodlands, marshes, and nearby beaches. I knew where several springs were hidden, offering a refreshing drink when I was thirsty. I built small huts from saplings and thick brush, weaving deadwood to form the walls. I also spent time gazing at nature, mentally taking notes that later inspired my writing. Even as a child, I wrote stories and illustrated them with my own drawings. My explorations often led me to collect treasures—rocks, pinecones, acorns, feathers, bugs, and other fun finds—that surprised my mother during laundry day.

When I was about nine or ten, I decided to build a makeshift tent using a tarp, bits of rope, clothespins, and sharpened sticks as stakes. I set it up across the stream from our house in a small clearing amid the trees. Over time, I gathered a decent camping kit, and eventually, I was given an old but sturdy canvas tent. It served me well until a family of mice took up residence during the winter, leaving my tent with much more “ventilation” than intended. By that point, I had saved enough from my afterschool job to buy a modern nylon tent. Little did I know, that small blue-and-yellow pup tent, along with my camping gear, would come in handy when I first set out on my own. When rentals were hard to find and/or too expensive, I occasionally lived in the woods.

I loved boondocking—that is, camping in the woods rather than in a campground. I’ve never liked campgrounds much, but I’d sometimes stay in them during the off-season. I was fortunate that we didn’t have dangerous wildlife like poisonous snakes or large predators, so I could enjoy nature without much worry. The worst I might encounter was a skunk. Now that I’ve worked for an employer like Fish and Wildlife and seen gruesomely graphic photographs and read the reports of the aftermath of grizzly bear attacks, etc., I am much more aware of the potential hazards. Some folks don’t seem to mind tent camping in bear country, but having seen half-eaten remains, I would only do it in a hard-sided RV. Motivated bears can get into almost anything, but at least an RV gives you a chance to start up the engine and drive away and thus oblige them to run for their dinner.

And that’s it for this entry. I’ll be adding more blogs to go with the Story of Us! podcast.

Be sure to check out World of Paleoanthropology for interviews, articles, book reviews, and much more! It is a veritable goldmine of paleoanthropological information!

To learn more about Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga check out these pages!

Dreamer Books

About the Author

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Total Page Visits: 3966

The Story of Us: Interview with E. A. Meigs

Image used with permission from Seth Chagi / World of Paleoanthropology

Seth Chagi, the Founder and Project Director of World of Paleoanthropology, recently interviewed me for an episode of The Story of Us! podcast. Seth and I first “met” several years ago when I was deep in the process of writing my Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga series. At that time, I was doing extensive research for my books. Reliable, up-to-date paleoanthropological information can be hard to come by, but World of Paleoanthropology is a fantastic resource. It taps directly into the work of leading scientists in the field, sharing the latest discoveries and their accompanying hypothesis. This information was invaluable to me, so I reached out to thank Seth for his work and let him know how helpful the site had been.

What started as a thank-you note turned into a years-long correspondence. Eventually, I offered to help with some of the website tasks, and later, I was invited to contribute articles. It’s all voluntary, but I like to think that my efforts are a small way of showing my gratitude.

Fast forward to last week, when Seth and I finally spoke face-to-face via Zoom for the podcast. It was an honor to talk about my books, though in hindsight, I realize I may have skimmed over certain topics or could have explained them better. To address this, I’ll be writing a few blog posts to expand on some of the subjects we touched on. I’ll start by sharing how I gained insight into the various animals that appear in the Dreamer Books series.

To begin, I will touch on how I gained insight into the various animals that appear in the Dreamer Books.

Woolly mammoths are a topic of fascination for me because I have loved pachyderms from the time I actually met an elephant. This gentle giant was a beautiful creature with lovely brown eyes and long eyelashes.  I longed to pet him as though he were an enormous dog, but I felt that would be rather too forward on my part —after all— he didn’t know me. How would I feel if some stranger came up to me and behaved in such a way? I could, however, offer him a handful of elephant kibble (which was made available to visitors to feed the elephants) so I held out the nuggets, hoping I could interest him in a snack. He did indeed perk up at the sight of the proffered treats. I expected that the elephant would use his trunk like a hand and that he might daintily grasp the yummy bits, and then place them in his mouth. What he did was step toward me, open his mouth and he took my entire forearm into his mouth —up to my elbow— and sort of sucked the kibble off the palm of my hand. He was so placid and docile that it wasn’t at all alarming, but I do recall being quite surprised.  This was in the back of my mind as I read-up on elephants and woolly mammoths. What I learned only added to my admiration and affection for these magnificent beasts.

Cave lions are another well known animal from the last Ice Age. I had a little experience with wild cats (bobcats) and tame big cats (tigers and lions), but I wanted to know more about the felines that populated the last Ice Age. As with the mammoths, I did research to expand upon my limited knowledge (which is detailed below).

As part of being a resident employee at a state park where bobcats were numerous, I saw them almost every day —sometimes several times a day. I used to hike the trails at sunup with my Bernese Mountain Dog, Sam, and we often ran into these long-legged and graceful cats. Mostly (and disappointingly), they promptly ran away from us. But occasionally, they would simply look at us and amble off, allowing me a moment to admire their sleek speckled forms.  One day as Sam and I walked along, a half-grown bobcat ran diagonally across the trail in front of us. A little further on, the bobcat repeated the action. And again, and again, and again —each time, Sam became more excited. Whatever this game was, he seemed to want to be part of it! Had this been a mature female bobcat, I might have thought she was trying to lead us away from her kittens, but this was just a youngster acting like a housecat with a 3 A.M. case of the zoomies. I lost count of how many times the bobcat ran in front of us, but I found it intriguing that it chose to interact with us in this way.

Years prior, a friend who worked at a facility that housed an assortment of tame wild animals  occasionally invited me to come on a private tour. The tigers were impressive and unexpectedly, quite amiable.  It was amazing to see them up-close and marvel at how huge they were. They loved to play a version of hide and seek with their human keepers, bounding with heavy footfalls all around the buildings within their enclosure, while making what I was told were “happy tiger sounds”, including snorts (almost like a horse would make) and little moans. This was enthralling to witness. Less enthralling, was an introduction to a lioness. I didn’t go into any of the enclosures, but my friend did and while visiting the lioness she chomped-down on his hand and wouldn’t let go. He stayed calm, but it took sometime to free his hand from her maw. He finally escaped the enclosure, his hand bleeding from several deep puncture wounds. He said she had never done that before. Actually, he was lucky; she could have easily done far worse had she been so inclined, but evidently she just had a hankering to gnaw on him for a bit. That was the end of my tour that day. (My friend was fine after his hand was treated and bandaged.)

Hiking with Sam
Photo by E. A. Meigs

I also write about boars. I have not had contact with the kind of Eurasian wild boars that appear in my books, but I have seen plenty of what we in North America call wild hogs. Most of those times, I was fortunate to have the protection of being in a vehicle, but one early morning my dog Sam and I were walking the trails when I saw a black furry animal’s hind-end sticking out of the brush up ahead. I usually made a point to keep up a constant chatter to Sam as we walked, hoping that my voice and the sounds of our footsteps and his clinking dog tags would give most animals a chance to hear our approach and thus leave the vicinity. But this one had not yet sensed our presence. I said to Sam, “Well, that’s either a bear or a hog.” Hearing me, the beast backed out of the brush and picked up his head. It was then that I could see his ears and see that he was a hog. I hoped he would run away. He didn’t. Hogs can be kind of temperamental; you never know if they will just skedaddle or if they will charge. Their constantly honed tusks are formidable weapons and I had seen the damage they can do. I decided we should change direction immediately. No need to tempt Fate.

Deer are another animal I have frequently met. If I had a dog with me, the perpetually vigilant deer would bound away before I had time to do more than simply identify their species.  Even when we awakened them from their peaceful slumbers at the crack of dawn, there was no early-morning grogginess and staggering upright; they came to their feet in an instant state of alertness. Once I watched as they ran toward the six foot fence that bordered the state park, which they leapt— hardly breaking their stride. I was impressed. I’d be hard-pressed to jump over anything upon awakening.

Roe deer (Illustration credit: Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga, by E. A. Meigs)

Other times, however, if I was alone the deer’s’ curious nature got the better of them and they would stare at me with fascination as though I was the most amazing thing they’d ever seen. And maybe I was! Especially during the time when I kept goats, I am sure I must have worn some of the goats’ aroma. That’s not a bad thing —they were does. While the bucks can be rather rank in season, the does just smelled of sweet hay. The deer must’ve wondered what in tarnation was this strange two-legged critter that looked completely alien but smelled oddly familiar.  I would stand still and we would stare at one another until the deer finally tired of the staring match and began to saunter away, sometimes pausing to look over their shoulders at me as though they were still trying to figure out what they had seen.

Perhaps ironically, some of my favorite deer-related memories are from when I viewed them from a window, when the deer were unaware of my proximity and they were just going about their day. I’ve seen a herd going through the woods outside my house, walking in single-file. The herd was so large that it took maybe as long as five minutes to pass by.  Also unforgettable, was the enormous buck I observed as it leisurely grazed in a thick fog.  Another time, I saw a doe romping in a field of flowers. She was having a wonderful time, jumping and cavorting amongst the blossoms. I later took a photo of the meadow. (Below) I regretted not taking a photos while she was still there, but I was so spellbound by the sight I forgot to retrieve my camera.

In contrast to that delightful scene, was the time my dog Sam and I were hiking one fall morning when we heard something coming at us through the thick brush, sounding as though a heavy animal was crashing headlong through the woods. We were soon startled to see a doe bolt across the path, not bothering to so much as glance our way. A moment later, a buck followed. He was so focused on his quarry that he also had not deigned to look our in direction. The crashing sounds followed them as they continued their mad dash through the forest. It just goes to show that even in Nature, love can be intense.

Lastly, I will talk about wolves and foxes. Foxes are fairly common animals and I always enjoy the sight of them. I live in a small town where foxes can be seen even downtown, sometimes cozily curled-up on the shops’ rooftops, indulging in an afternoon nap.

We don’t have actual wolves, but we have a lot of coy-wolves. These animals are a wolf/coyote hybrid, they are about halfway in size between the two species and share many of their traits. They are extremely adaptable and very successful in our area. Although primarily nocturnal, they are often seen during the day as well, even in well-populated neighborhoods. Their singing can be heard nightly and if they hear an emergency vehicle’s siren, they may accompany the blare with their own cries.

Sometimes Sam and I would meet up with a coywolf while on one of our treks. Sam was a friendly dog and anytime we crossed paths with another creature, he would pick up his head and wag his tail. But the coywolves did not care to make his acquaintance. Sam was a large dog —he wore a 32-inch collar around his massive neck— so I could appreciate their shyness. One coywolf was sleeping in tall grass by the side of the trail and we didn’t see each other until it suddenly poked its head up. Like the sleeping deer, the coywolf quickly roused himself and took off like a shot. Poor Sam. Another potential playmate gone.
And that’s it for this entry. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about some of my experiences with animals. I’ll be adding more blogs to go with the Story of Us! podcast.

Be sure to check out World of Paleoanthropology for interviews, articles, book reviews, and much more! It is a veritable goldmine of paleoanthropological information!

To learn more about Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga check out these pages!

Dreamer Books

About the Author

Reader Reviews 


Total Page Visits: 6588

The Long-Awaited Conclusion


Cape Cod Author E. A. Meigs Releases the Long-Awaited Conclusion to the Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga Series

Dreamer Literary Productions, LLC publishes The Talking Stones, the final installment in their feature series: Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga.

CHATHAM, Mass. (June 13th, 2023) — Cape Cod publisher Dreamer Literary Productions, LLC and author E. A. Meigs officially launch a new novel in The Dreamer Book Series, entitled The Dreamer VIII - The Talking Stones. This is the last volume of the epic eight-book series that takes readers to a distant time and place — to a perilous and yet magnificent juncture in time as they follow the life of a Neanderthal man. The narrative unfolds against a stunning Ice Age backdrop, capturing the imagination with an ongoing adventure that revolves around survival, family, friendship, and endurance against the odds.

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Book 7 Released!

Dreamer Literary Productions is pleased to announce that The Dreamer VII ~ The Challenge Circle is now officially released, in Ebook, paperback, and hardcover formats!

The epic Ice Age adventure continues with this latest installment. Did you ever wonder what life was like for those who walked the Earth before us? Dreamer Books opens a literary portal to life during the last Glacial Maximum, what with all its challenges and drama, while simultaneously instilling an enduring sense of wonder at the resiliency and resourcefulness of our ancestors. The ongoing story celebrates the human spirit, and illustrates however much the settings may differ, people have little changed over the eons.

The next and final book in the series, The Dreamer VIII ~ The Talking Stones is due to be released in the summer of 2023.

Find Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga here!

Reader Reviews here!

And more about “The Birth of a Book Series” here!

(Image credits: book cover photo by Paula Kugerud Photography, Venus figurine pendant and lithics by Neanderthal Joe. Header photo and blog photo by E. A. Meigs)

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The Beginning

Seven years ago, my imagination opened a portal to an ancient landscape.  Layers of time peeled away, and I was thrust into the consciousness of one who had lived in a time and place now lost to memory.   This Neanderthal man and the epic adventures that make up his life’s story may be fictional, but as I write his experiences it feels as though I am recording actual history, rather than composing a literary work.  Bringing to life the peoples and cultures of Ice Age Eurasia has enthralled and inspired me, and I can’t help but think I will miss being immersed in their world when the series is complete.

Find Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga here!

About the Author here!

Reader Reviews here!

(Header image credits: book cover photo by Paula Kugerud Photography, Venus figurine pendant and lithics by Neanderthal Joe. Header photo and blog photo by E. A. Meigs)

Total Page Visits: 12513


Neanderthal Joe Brings Ancient Skills to Life

Levallois Cores by Neanderthal Joe

The realm of Paleoanthropology is a relatively small one, therefore those of us immersed in this field often know one another, at least by name. I have followed many such experts over the decades, but it’s not often you find one who not only delves into the science, but also explores the practicalities and skills needed by early humans as they struggled to survive in a harsh world.

Mousterian blade on a centripetal core.

For the last ten years, Neanderthal Joe (AKA, Joe Lawlor) has made a study of the Neanderthal.  During this time, Neanderthal Joe has put his knowledge to good use and taught himself how to knap stone, haft knapped stone to spears shafts and handles, made useable items from animal pelts and hides, created Venus figurines, made cordage, glues, distilled birch bark tar and oil, practiced several methods of making fire, and much, much more – all using authentic primitive tools and techniques.  Neanderthal Joe’s works have found homes with collectors all over the world.  Some of his lithics can be seen on display on display at the Etta C. Ross Memorial Library Museum in Blue Earth, MN.

Neanderthal tools racloir, hand-axe, Levallois core. (Made from cobble of Georgetown flint by Neanderthal Joe.)

Mousterian blades, Joe’s replica (r) compared to an authentic Mousterian blade (l) made by a Neanderthal 60-70 thousand years ago.






Neanderthal Joe shares his passion for learning about our ancient ancestors with his followers. (A list of his platforms will be included at the end of this post.) You can watch some of his many YouTube videos (below), to get an idea of the scope of his work.

Video showcasing a Neanderthal tool kit.

Neanderthal Joe’s “Venus of Antler River”.

Spears made by Neanderthal Joe.


Venus figurine.

Again, these images and videos give just an inkling of Neanderthal Joe’s body of work and he is constantly adding to this impressive portfolio. If you are interested in ancient life skills and paleoanthropology, check out his platforms; he provides valuable insight into the lives of our ancestors.

It’s always gratifying to receive a reader review of my books, but especially so when the reviewer has Neanderthal Joe’s level of expertise on the Neanderthal and the details of their lives.  A while ago, Neanderthal Joe very generously submitted a review of my first three books. (When I wrote to say thank you, I took the opportunity to ask his permission to do a blog about him and he kindly agreed!) I had to edit his review to fit into the Reader Review page format, so here it is, in it’s entirety.

As someone that struggles at keeping focus while reading, this series has been an absolute trip! I knew it was a great series when I finished the first book in 3 days (something that is rare for me); the entire time I was reading book one I was “on my toes” excited for the next page and the next chapter, the characters are very likeable and are very relatable. The story is captivating and keeps the reader drawn in, the story is not the typical point A to point B story it is a well thought out TRUE ice age adventure! When I come home from work instead of settling down and hopping on a game or mindlessly watching tv I now open a new chapter from the book anticipating where the adventures of Tris, Black Wolf and Tor goes. I am very excited to see where the wonderful author takes the series and will continue to read. Thank you for making a beautifully crafted story with elements from the real world. While reading you can picture the characters on their journey and that is better than any tv show or movie.
If a real world Neanderthal recommends this series that should be the sign that you should check it out from Neanderthal Joe!

Find Neanderthal Joe on these platforms

Neanderthal Joe on Minds

Neanderthal Joe on TikTok

Neanderthal Joe’s Esty Shop

Facebook Group: Neanderthals and the Middle Paleolithic 

Neanderthal Joe’s Facebook Shop 

Neanderthal Joe on Instagram

All images and videos are created by and used with the permission of Neanderthal Joe (Joe Lawlor).

Total Page Visits: 5623

Finding Credible Resources


As the owner of a website and a number of social media pages, I have had the pleasure of (virtually) meeting a lot of people.  I enjoy talking with these folks, even if we don’t always agree.  Polite discourse can be mentally stimulating and educational.  Theories come and go.  Ideas once considered to be rock-solid may be disproved.  There are many things we will never know about early humans, but it’s always fun to speculate about those who tread this earth before us.  It was during one of these recent conversations when a link to popular site was sent to me, by way of backing up his argument.   If the page had been thoroughly researched and up-to-date (its sole citation was a paper from the 1860s), that would have been fine, but sadly, despite its popularity, it was a very poor source of information.

I have a systematic way to identify and assess research materials.  I was fortunate to have held a managing editor position for an academic journal.  It taught me about the academic publication process, which was quite a different experience as compared with the general media.  This was a peer-reviewed journal that only published a small percentage of its submissions.   Papers were carefully considered for their academic merit and whether or not the subject was current (or had an angle worth revisiting), but another important aspect was the references.  How old were the papers that were cited?  Were they published in a reputable source?  You see, in the “publish or perish” academic world, a lot of papers are submitted to journals, leaving the staff to sift through for content that is both fresh and insightful.

Nowadays I devote many hours to research for my books; over a thousand hours per year, in fact.  I read everything I can find on the subjects of anthropology, osteoarchaeology, paleoanthropology, natural history, geology, ancient survival skills, and more.  I assess my sources in the same way I assessed submissions.  Is it current information?  Are the references recent/credible?  As mentioned in the video included on this blog, many of best resources are academic in nature.  Not just published papers, but there are many wonderfully informative websites such as:

On the flip-side, there are also many popular websites – some associated with well-known entities – that may contain odd bits of misinformation.  The field of paleoanthropology grows by leaps and bounds (especially during the last few years), so it requires a certain determination to stay on top of the constant influx of discoveries and new theories.

While one can forgive writers of fiction for using creative license as long as it is identified as fiction,  it is unfortunate that entertainment articles are often put forth as serious science.  You don’t have to be writing a paper or book to benefit from perusing the best resources, but I do think it’s important to consider the quality of the materials that will help you formulate your own ideas.  Not that I mean to say you should shun any article that isn’t strictly scientific; there are many “fluff” pieces that contain good information, but you should go into it knowing it for what it is.  If the article is entertaining and contains a few nuggets of real info, that’s great!


In the future I will be writing another blog about my non-academic research.  After all, there are many facets of history that are not covered by science, alone.  There is much to be known about primitive life that is best learned from those who practice those ancient skills!

Header image: graphics by E. A. Meigs, cover photos by Paula Krugerud.


Total Page Visits: 2415

Earth Mamas or Hot Mamas?

Venus figurines have been discovered throughout much of Eurasia, most dating between 11,000 to 40,000 BCE*.  These saucy ladies have been the subject of much study and conjecture.  Were they fertility symbols? Some sort of Mother Earth/Mother Nature goddesses? Or were they merely meant to depict womanhood in full flower (so to speak); a visual testimony to the artist’s admiration for the female form in all her glory? We can only guess, but it is fun to speculate on the motive(s) and mindset(s) of their creators.

*BCE = Before Common Era

(Venus Figurine in header by Neanderthal Joe)

Total Page Visits: 2118

The Woolly Mammoth

The Woolly mammoth was a large animal that lived in Eurasia and North America. It was similar in size to today’s African elephants, but with considerably longer tusks, a shorter tail, and much smaller ears. The bulls could be up to 11 feet high at the withers and weigh over 12,000 pounds.  Cows were somewhat smaller, but still impressive in size at up to 9 1/2 feet at the withers and weights of up to 9000 pounds. Their furry hides came in a wide range of colors from blond to brown. Individual strands of the outer guard hairs could be as much as 42″ long.

Most mammoths are believed to have gone extinct near the end of the last Ice Age, approximately 10,000 ago, but some are thought to have eked out an existence on Wrangle Island until about 4000 years ago.

(Illustrations from The Dreamer Book Series: An Ice Age Saga, by E. A. Meigs.)

Total Page Visits: 2653

Introducing: “The Dreamer” Book Series

The Dreamer is a series of novels that follows the life of a young Neanderthal man, Tris (the Dreamer), his father Tor, and their Cro-Magnon friend and neighbor, Black Wolf. At the time of the Earth’s last Great Glacial Period, Europe was inhabited by at least two peoples: the Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon. Although this primitive world was filled with a harsh and stunning beauty, it was also a brutally difficult period in mankind’s history. Humans struggled to survive against the dangers posed by an inhospitable climate and their perilous position within nature’s food chain. As the story unfolds, Tris’s dreams figure prominently, but it is really an ongoing adventure that revolves around family, friendship, love, social conflict and endurance against the odds.

Click on the tabs (above) to read about the 3 books that are currently in the works.  The first book, The Dreamer – The Beginning,  is in the final proofing phase and it will become available for sale this fall.   The Dreamer II – The Gathering is going through pre-copyediting edits and The Dreamer III – The People of the Wolves is starting the first draft stage. 

A new Dreamer book will be released each fall until the saga has reached its conclusion.  At this writing, a minimum of six books are planned, but there will likely be many more.

Click on image for purchasing information.

 Cover photo by Paula Krugerud.