The Neanderthal Mind Interviews Rebecca Wragg Sykes

The Neanderthal Mind Podcast


Anthony Yocolano aka the Neanderthal Mind interviews author Rebecca Wragg Sykes:

“Well Cave Dwellers, there you have it, and that’s just the first part of two with Rebecca Wragg Sykes. I am on the second round of Rebecca’s book, Kindred, Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art. I just love how Rebecca tells a story of a day in the life of a Neanderthal, as the opening to  the next chapter, it really draws the reader/listener in, and gets you ready for the next chapter.”

Part One

Part Two

Podcast and logo shared with permission from The Neanderthal Mind.  Header graphics by E. A. Meigs, cover photos by Paula Krugerud.

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