Category Archives: Book Gift

The Beginning

Seven years ago, my imagination opened a portal to an ancient landscape.  Layers of time peeled away, and I was thrust into the consciousness of one who had lived in a time and place now lost to memory.   This Neanderthal man and the epic adventures that make up his life’s story may be fictional, but as I write his experiences it feels as though I am recording actual history, rather than composing a literary work.  Bringing to life the peoples and cultures of Ice Age Eurasia has enthralled and inspired me, and I can’t help but think I will miss being immersed in their world when the series is complete.

Find Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga here!

About the Author here!

Reader Reviews here!

(Header image credits: book cover photo by Paula Kugerud Photography, Venus figurine pendant and lithics by Neanderthal Joe. Header photo and blog photo by E. A. Meigs)

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