Reader Reviews

I highly recommend this series of books! I’m a voracious but picky reader and I got swept up in the tale of Tris and his Ice Age family. Very well written, fast paced and even moving at times. Well worth the time and money, and an attractive addition to any library. ~ Michael D. Border

Awesome books, awesome author! Check them out! ~ World of Paleoanthropology                 

Photo credit: Carol Poppe

If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out the The Ice Age World Of The Dreamer Book Series! It’s a great series that travels across the Paleolithic world of Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Sapiens.  Cave-wife and I really enjoyed them.🦣 ~ The Mammoth Hunter

(Find The Mammoth Hunter on Facebook @

This is a unique and interesting read. I couldn’t put it down – almost missed my flight!  ~ J. Simmons

...this series has been an absolute trip! ... the entire time I was reading Book One I was “on my toes” excited for the next page and the next chapter, the characters are very likeable and are very relatable. The story ... keeps the reader drawn in, ... [it]is not the typical point A to point B story it is a well thought-out TRUE ice age adventure!  ... Thank you for making a beautifully crafted story with elements from the real world. ... check it out, from Neanderthal Joe! 
Read full review & more about Neanderthal Joe here!

The Dreamer- the Beginning is a captivating tale, giving a convincing and passionate voice to a young man from humankind’s early history. It is well researched and based on scientific study, lending additional credence to a very creative story involving a time in our history that is very much shrouded in mystery and conjecture. ~ N. I. Bourdeau

As an avid reader I am always excited to step out of the box and read something different, The Dreamer Series delivers! A delightful journey set during the last Ice Age brings to life a Neanderthal family; their lifestyle, daily struggles to survive, love and loss. The author delivers a story set in prehistoric times described so well, so vividly it leaves the reader wanting more! Write faster, we want more! ~ Donna R. Fox

The Dreamer Book Series… keeps readers engaged in a continuously changing set of challenges for a pre-historic family.  Readers will connect and identify with the personalities of the individual characters in the series.  In many ways, the challenges faced by these Ice-Age characters mirror our own. Very enjoyable read. ~ Jim Coogan (Award-winning author, columnist, and lecturer)

Just like The Dreamer – The Beginning, once I started reading Dreamer II – The Gathering I could not put it down. It is so interesting with a great personal story line. And I love all the historical information. After reading the first two books of this series I cannot wait to get the third one! Keep it up!  – Patti Stribling Lauer 
And another from Ms. Lauer 
I cannot find how to leave a new review on this page I see previous ones so will send it this way and you can use as you see fit.
I just finished The Dreamer VI, The Outsiders and it was just as wonderful as the previous V. Could not put it down because I could not wait to see what would happen next. I love this family and have become invested in their life. Meigs has a talent to draw you into the stories and characters in such a way you do not want it to end. I so enjoyed this adventure and cannot wait until the next. Also, I got a chance to read the children's book KAW which was taken from a small part of The Outsiders and made into an entertaining book for children. I read it after I read the Outsiders so I was amused to follow up this part of the story. Any child who loves adventures and learning about other lifestyles in history of different times. I am sure all the children will love it. Great job! – Patti Stribling Lauer

Fascinating saga of the times and life amid a Neanderthal family as seen from the perspective of a man with a special gift and a love of his family. It’s just like being there; you become involved with their trials and joys. The dreams give you a glimpse of future dangers and events, leading you through an engrossing journey. ~ C. H. Beusee

I’ve read the second in the Dreamer series (The Dreamer II ~ The Gathering) and it held my attention from the get go! The characters come alive once more and I can’t wait for the third installment.  ~ Denise A. Phillips

This is not the usual type of book that I read but I was fascinated and could not put it down. The author did so much research that it felt like I was reading a true story of a family and how they lived during that time! I wish the author could write faster so I could get my hands on those next ones…keep them coming! ~ L. B. Collins

I’ve read the whole Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean Auel, and I was bummed when it ended; you got the ancients going again in totally different happenings and people’s!  I will probably read all three again.  Can’t wait for book four!  ~ John G. Smith

I read this book (The Dreamer ~ The Beginning) and thoroughly enjoyed it…so exciting that you can’t put it down.  Kept me on the edge of my seat.  Great writing. ~ J. Stuller

AWESOME AWESOME Books! I have read 5 of the books; they grab you in the first paragraph and it continues right through to end of the story...waiting on book 6 and can't wait to read it. The characters are like my family members. As long as the author writes them, I will be here to enjoy each and every word. BRING THEM ON! ~ Deborah Eldredge


I love the Dreamer series. Best books about prehistory I’ve read since Jean Auel’s Earth’s Children. So good! Love Tris! ~ Cynthia Hutchison


…Meigs’s books have a kind of wonder as Tris (the main character) discovers the world around him… ~ Debra Lawless (The Cape Cod Chronicle Nov. 29, 2018)

Reviews may be lightly copyedited to make minor corrections (i.e., spelling, etc.), and edited 
for length, and in some cases, for spoilers!

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The Dreamer: Just before dawn on a cold spring morning, a young Neanderthal man awakens from a strange and frightening dream that will change his life forever…