Category Archives: E. A. Meigs

The Woolly Mammoth

The Woolly mammoth was a large animal that lived in Eurasia and North America. It was similar in size to today’s African elephants, but with considerably longer tusks, a shorter tail, and much smaller ears. The bulls could be up to 11 feet high at the withers and weigh over 12,000 pounds.  Cows were somewhat smaller, but still impressive in size at up to 9 1/2 feet at the withers and weights of up to 9000 pounds. Their furry hides came in a wide range of colors from blond to brown. Individual strands of the outer guard hairs could be as much as 42″ long.

Most mammoths are believed to have gone extinct near the end of the last Ice Age, approximately 10,000 ago, but some are thought to have eked out an existence on Wrangle Island until about 4000 years ago.

(Illustrations from The Dreamer Book Series: An Ice Age Saga, by E. A. Meigs.)

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Introducing: “The Dreamer” Book Series

The Dreamer is a series of novels that follows the life of a young Neanderthal man, Tris (the Dreamer), his father Tor, and their Cro-Magnon friend and neighbor, Black Wolf. At the time of the Earth’s last Great Glacial Period, Europe was inhabited by at least two peoples: the Neanderthal and the Cro-Magnon. Although this primitive world was filled with a harsh and stunning beauty, it was also a brutally difficult period in mankind’s history. Humans struggled to survive against the dangers posed by an inhospitable climate and their perilous position within nature’s food chain. As the story unfolds, Tris’s dreams figure prominently, but it is really an ongoing adventure that revolves around family, friendship, love, social conflict and endurance against the odds.

Click on the tabs (above) to read about the 3 books that are currently in the works.  The first book, The Dreamer – The Beginning,  is in the final proofing phase and it will become available for sale this fall.   The Dreamer II – The Gathering is going through pre-copyediting edits and The Dreamer III – The People of the Wolves is starting the first draft stage. 

A new Dreamer book will be released each fall until the saga has reached its conclusion.  At this writing, a minimum of six books are planned, but there will likely be many more.

Click on image for purchasing information.

 Cover photo by Paula Krugerud.