Book Clubs

Are you seeking the next book nomination for your reading group? Dreamer Books offers book club resources and author participation!

Whet your literary appetite with The Dreamer ~ THE BEGINNING, the first installment in an eight-book prehistoric fiction series entitled Dreamer Books: An Ice Age Saga. It is a chronicle from the distant past, when the European continent was yet untamed, and humans fought to endure within a savage environment. In this setting, a Neanderthal man named Tris narrates his story – often told in a manner that is thoughtful, and sometimes rather droll. His life’s journey is one filled with harrowing adventure and a relentless struggle to survive, but it is also a timeless, very human tale that tells of tested bonds of family and fellowship. At the outset, Tris is a wide-eyed innocent who has lived a very sheltered existence. His most pressing concerns are presented by confrontations with wildlife and supporting the sustenance of the group. As time goes on and new tribes settle on lands once exclusively inhabited by the Neanderthal, he and his clan must adapt to a number of social changes and challenges. Start the journey!

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The Dreamer: Just before dawn on a cold spring morning, a young Neanderthal man awakens from a strange and frightening dream that will change his life forever…